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Tension from hell

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So I was getting ready to do this nice old ladies quilt and I wanted to do a practice line to check out my tension before hand, because I was using her batting, and I'm guessing it's from Wal-Mart because it is THIN! Anyways so I do a line or two and notice the tope is very loose. I tighten and try again, still nothing after several tries I get frustrated and look at the bottom. It looks like a rats nest! The top thread was coming through the bottom and the bobbin thread was just a straight line. So I tighten and loosen, loosen and tighten and i can't seem to figure out what the problem is. PLEASE HELP!!!!

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I would rethread first and also check or even change the bobbin. I just got done stitching a piece that I almost threw out the window because after stitch about 2/3\'s of it the top thread started breaking and kept breaking. I was so frustrated but I stuck with it. I ended up only going through one of the holes prior to the tension disk and finally got the tension right and stitched the remainder with very few breaks! If you have too much on the bottom and you have rethreaded it sounds like your top tension needs to be tighter. I would tighten almost until you feel like it is going to break and then loosen enough so that it doesn\'t break. I hope you get it resolved.


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If you are "straight lining" on the bottom of the quilt, you definately need to loosen the bobbin tension. Let your bobbin drop several inches when doing the "bobbin drop test" and then tighten the top as necessary. When you see rats nests or loops on the bottom of the quilt, your top tension is too loose.

I run a loose bobbin and adjust from the top.


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I had a similar problem and went through the rethread and adjusted the tension------only to find a small one inch piece of thread behind the bobbin. I took a flashlight and looked into the bobbin holder and there it was. I pull it out and was back in business again! Jo-E;)llen

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