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Help on Milli bobbin winder

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I know you guys will know a way around this..... The rubber thingie on the bobbin winder on my Milli came off. (The thing where the middle of the bobbin slides on). It was shredded so I couldn't reuse it.

I found a little piece of rubber tubing that may have come with my machine (can't remember -- it was 2004). So I cut off a little piece (about 1/4") and slid over the bobbin winder. It is too thick and the bobbin won't slide on without a major battle and then has to be messed with to wind.

I've tried winding bobbins on both of my DMs. One won't wind it full and the other won't let the bobbin slip down where it will wind at all.

Have any of you encountered this and what did you do? I hate to have to buy a bobbin winder just because of a little piece of rubber.

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The tubing on the bobbin winder is available at a hobby shop that sells fuel line tubing for model aiplanes. You want small and if I remember right it it 5/32. it is a real tight fit but it will work. I believe I even have the part # in our accounting program on the Country Lane Computer. If you need the # just email me.


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I had the same problem you had - shredded tubing - and no supplier anywhere close. Called APQS - they have it, it\'s cheap, but there\'s a $5 handling/shipping charge. I finally found the short length of replacement tube that came with my used machine, so I didn\'t have to send for it, but I now have a running list of parts that I want to get from APQS for those times when I just can\'t use anything else - extra pigtail thread guides, needle set screws, bobbin winder tubing, etc. - these parts aren\'t expensive at all, but if something falls apart in the middle of the night or the middle of the weekend, they might be invaluable.

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Barb, that is a great idea. Better start writing the Santa letter now. I searched everywhere for that tubing when I lost mine for a time on the floor. Found it, but I still needed the replacement which I had ordered anyway.

I would add to your list an extra bobbin case, maybe some extra bobbins.

Thanks for the tip.


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