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Quilt Going Ouf Of Square

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Hi all,

Have\'n a problem I can\'t seem to figure out. I make sure my top and backing is square. My centers all line up on my leaders. I\'ve even added a 0 center tape to my machine. I measure the top from center out as I quilt and roll to maintain the size. My problem is that as I quilt the top, I start losing inches on the right and gaining them on the left. What am I doing wrong. I\'m getting frustrated. I\'m beginning to feel I\'ll never be able to do quilts for hire if I can\'t figure this out. No problems dealing with tensions, comfortable with pantos, confortable from the front. But this is a conundrum?

Thanks in advance.


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It sounds to me it is the way you are rolling them up on the bars. I learned at camp this summer to load the back first. First attach to the take-up roller and roll all the way up. Next attach to the bottom bar and unroll from the take-up roller on to the back roller making sure that the ends stay even and you are very careful that it is rolling straight. Don\'t be afraid to roll back and forth until it rolls evenly and straight on the ends. This ensures that any stretching is taken care of and the back is now going to unroll onto the take-up straight. Next roll your top onto the top roller. As you load it make sure that it stays square an twist and such as you go along. I usually check that rows are lining up straight and the ends are even. If I notice that a seam isn\'t rolling straight then I\'ll twist it to make it line up.

I do a partial float so now that the back and top are loaded I put the batting in. I run a channel lock stich along the top. Now I can baste the quilt top down along that line and make sure I start off square.

I hope that helps!


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HI, I\'m not sure of this, but it seemed to stop my problem..

When using a panto, in particular, don\'t start each row of quilting on the same side.. that\'s pushing the fabric towards the other side.. by starting each row on the opposite end or side of the quilt.. it ëvens" the push-me-pull-u out and the quilt will stitch more evenly straight. " Of all the donation quilts I\'ve made, I\'ve not had the problem since. When Freehanding, I also try to alternate which side of the quilt I start rows on.. guess it would help with that, too?


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Thanks to everyone for suggestions thus far. Please...if any one else has any ideas, keep em\' coming.

Hopefully tomorrow I\'ll get my wall hanging done and put something else on the machine checking the leaders for square and such.

Last summer when I held my "Camp Grandma" I had my grandkids for each family (2) make a Christmas tree with painted hand prints for their parents for a Christmas present. I embellished them with appliqued presents for each child and the family pets including a singing mouse.

My last post was to question if my machine would be able to quilt through the fabric paint. It sewed through it beautifully. Not a missed or messed stitch. That\'s why this shifting thing is so frustrating.

LeAnn in snowy WI

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Hi LeAnn,

Another senario could be that your rollers are not the same width at both ends. This happened to me. One side of the quilt would be shorter on one side and it would roll uneven. My husband called our dealer and they walked him through some things and it sure did make a difference.

Measure from one roller to the other at both ends and in the middle.

Good luck.


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