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selling on ebay

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I don't have personal experience selling finished quilts on EBAY but I think if you do some simple research you'll find that unless the quilt is "vintage" has some "collectible" value, then you will not get very much for a new finished quilt. I can tell you that tops are undervalued if you consider the cost of material (you won't get your cost back), so you can forget any profit on the labor....


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I haven't sold any quilts on Ebay, but have searched it looking at what the quilts were priced at for starting bids, etc...and there were some pretty nice quilts that were NOT drawing any money. What a sad waste of time, money and talent!

Our best market around here are the "antique" shops and the tourist

shops. Some of the fabric/quilt shops also hang quilts on commission.

Those that are really done well/hand quilted, etc. bring over $1000-$1200.

The ones that are pieced nice and quilted by machine run in the $300 to

$500 range...ones like double wedding ring, drunkard's path, etc...it still figures out to 10c/hr but IF I could get the cost of my materials, plus a

little for me while I'm learning, I' consider my self lucky.. I just don't know how proficient a person has to be before they "hang out their shingle"...

and start taking in quilting projects.

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10c/hr as in 10 cents an hour? That dont pay the electric bill..

you offer discounts.. to local people to let you practice on their quilts.

new LA'r in our guild did them for so much a quilt.. at first.. just to have them to work on.. people gave her.. tops they were just giving away..

donating.. or to family members who werent their favorites...

I do all my business by mail.. and I am still offering a first time discount

some quilts are better than none... Depends on whats local.. we have 4 long armers here... in the guild now..sigh....... and I cant put a sign out..

its against code.......we are on AG land so cant do commercial. I just made a big thing that sits on my mail box... tee hee.. its my business name of Federal property......... lol the town ship cant make me take it down..

after all that is the name on my Mail... Linda Susie Quilts... smille.

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You are right about the undervalued tops. I have purchased a few to practice on. I think this gives me a better idea of what it will be like to get quilts from customers. If I piece the top, I can plan the quilting as I go. The tops I buy I have no "personal" connection to. I plan to sell the finished quilts, so as long as I cover the cost of the top, backing and something extra, I can actually get paid to practice... That's the plan anyway.

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