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microdrive handles

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Would someone be so kind as to post a picture of the microdrive handles installed on your machine? I have looked at the APQS pics and still do not understand exactly how they attach to the needle bar. I have several Hartley products and have found the installation instructions to be less than sufficient. Thanks

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Hi Sandra! I just got my microdrive handles yesterday, bought them pre-loved from the very lovely and wonderful Cathy on this forum - thanks Cathy!

Hope this helps you understand a little better :)

The left and right handles are 2 seperate pieces, each has a solid rectangular block at the top with a curved bit carved out the shape of the needle bar, and this curved cutout is lined with a thin layer of cork. Each block has screw holes through it each side of the curved cutout, and you hold it with one block on each side of the needle bar with the cutouts fitting around the needlebar, then the screws go through from the left to the right and hold the blocks together so they fit around the needle bar, once it is tightened the cork holds it tightly in place. So it doesn\'t actually attach to the needle bar, it just clamps tightly around it.

I had a problem with my light getting in the way and not being able to install the handles up high enough, but I got hubby to pull the light fitting towards the front enough for me to slide the handles up, they are pressing against the light bulb but it hasn\'t broken and still turns on so hopefully it will be fine :)

Looking at how you hold the handles I assume the light will need to be turned off as the backs of my hands brush against the light bulb while I am using it, so I will need to invest in some additional lights now, there is always something LOL!


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Hi Judy, actually the extra handle is pvc pipe and was a handle on the old converted quilter I had.. It works quite well, No idea where he got the already bent pipe.. maybe in the plumbing dept. of a hardware store.

wish I could be of more help.


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