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needle keep rethreading itself!!!!

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I have been having a terrible time lately with my needle rethreading itself while sewing!!! I am not sure what the deal is and hope someone else has any brilliant ideas on why this is happening. Using so fine with bottom line in bobbin--what I usually do--tensions fine--and tried a new needle already--still doing it.

Any suggestions would be helpful--still have a row left on quilt that could have been finished today--if thread hadn't broke so many times!


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It\'s like the Twilight Zone when that happens! You\'re stitching along and the thread breaks, the needle re-threads and you are still stitching! Bizarre.

Here\'s my take on this. When it happens, the thread is breaking below the needle plate and as the hook comes around it catches the broken thread and keeps sewing.

When this happened to me, I had a burr on the hook. Inspection and buffing the rough spot fixed me up. Hope this helps you.

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If it\'s not burrs, which it most likely is the hook...:) I think I might have another solution, I have experienced some machines will pull the bobbin threat up and throught the eye of the needle and then back down, looking like it\'s re-threaded itself, especially if the bobbin thread is small thread, I\'ve seen nebs with the bottom line in them do it, this could be the problem, adjustments are needed most likely on the top tension, but check both tensions as well...:)

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