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Intelliquilter and Milli Who has this?

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Anyone running an Intelliquilter on their Milli?

Yes I like my CQ , in fact I love my CQ. I took the time to watch the videos on intelliquilter and I must say I am very impressed indeed. I want another computerized system but I'm doing lots of research before trying to decide. I plan on evaluating the New Statler with Gammill once their upgrade comes out which I understand could be very soon or by spring. It will have some really cool features I'm looking for as well.

This Intelliquilter is just amazing with respect to what they show in the videos but I'm a touch and try person and I ask alot of questions. I didn't ask near as many when I made my first purchase and although happy with my CQ I will be more informed as a buyer this round.

Anyone who knows about this system or has it on their Milli I would greatly appreciate some time with you the quilter and user. My email is quiltsbygrammie@hughes.net

Thanks so much for your time.

Grammie Tammie

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There is a gal in Superior Colorado, up by Denver, who is just a fantastic person named Karen Dovala. I don\'t know if she\'s on this list, but she is on MQP.

She has a Millie and was going to add IQ when I was at her house in Oct. She said she had absolutley testdriven and investigated ALL of them and IQ was what she was choosing.

I don\'t know if she\'s got it on yet, but drop me a line and I\'ll forward her contact info to you.

She is a complete sweetheart. I\'m sure she will give you the scoop on what she knows.

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Hi Grammie

I spent some considerable time with the intelliqulter reps and Zoltan (think I\'ve spelt that right) the inventor, at the Festival of Quilts in the UK last year. Having looked at other systems, this is the one I intend going for when I can. The system is versatile, less intrusive, easy to use and consists of a very portable tablet (screen). They also have an informative and supportive chat line on Yahoo Groups which Zoltan usefully feeds into.

I know 2 of the reps in the UK who I\'m sure would answer any of your questions and point you in the right direction if you are unable to locate your rep.



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