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Are they at it again?

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Yup, the best thing is to not even check them, just e-mail Heidi (with "High Priority" marked) - if she\'s at her computer, she\'ll take it right off. So just let her know.

And she has been given the privilege to ban posters outright, so we shouldn\'t see more than one or two from any particular "bad guy."

We\'ll probably still have to put up with these things overnight and on weekends, \'cause Heidi has to sleep sometime:D

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Unfortunately, if we merely want to \'report\' the offenders, we have to open the post to get to the report button..

so.. emailing Heidi works, just when she\'s super busy or away from her desk, it sometimes takes longer for them to be deleted.

They do their best to keep them blocked or deleted.. the offenders are just like junk mail in the mail box.. they keep showing up.


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Thanks for the info, next time I\'ll email Heidi. Where do I get the email address?

I\'m sometimes on this forum at odd hours of the morning so I see these stupid things. I knew that someone was removing them because they are gone by the time I get home from work, but I didn\'t know who it was.

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