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Bonnie's FSM has met its match

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Omigosh, Catherine - when those pictures started rolling forward, I thought "how in the heck is she going to do anything with that???? But that last picture and the finished product - I can\'t believe it is the same quilt. You performed an amazing quilt miracle!!!!

Not only did you get that "nightmare" quilted, but your customer ended up with a beautiful quilt. Don\'t sell yourself short by discounting it. You are giving your customer back a quilt both you and she can be proud of!

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Mahalo all. I LOVE this cheering section! I did just what Nora suggested, & steamed every row as I went. That is why the worst side is closest to the ironing board. Still, it could not make up for the huge difference in size, & so there are some tucks & puckers, as well as a small pucker on the back where it met that "special" place.

You have no doubt noticed that I have submitted no close-up photos of the stitching. There is lots of it, so you are right Jen, I would like to charge double, but this quilter cannot afford it & her sister (the good quilter & teacher) will eventually send me a lot of business. She\'s already asked me to do another quilt, which her sister helped with this time, so hopefully it is better. Of course, she has not seen this one yet.

Next week, I am giving a presentation to my guild on what you need to know to bring your quilt to a machine quilter. Unfortunately this quilter will probably be in the audience so I can\'t use this as an example. Any suggestions?

I am working on that Kona coffee now. Trying to avoid the chocolate, but BeerFest is this weekend (& they have pretty good food there too)!

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I\'m not to sure I wouldn\'t take it along just in case she isn\'t there, that way you can add that to the do\'s and don\'ts of quilting, you do not need to mention names, just that this was a major problem and this is why____________. Take the pictures with your so that you can show the others, the back tucks and the reason that the top looks like it does.

Put in a dark bag so if she is there she doesn\'t see it and know that you were going to talk about it. OR you could ask her if you can use it as an example and see what she says. You wouldn\'t be making fun of her talents, just avoiding further problems with maybe someone else.

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I agree with Bonnie. Ask her if you can use it as an example. In your guild talk, turn it into something positive, like "isn\'t this great for a first time piecer?" type of thing. Then go into how next time she can improve by doing so and so to prepare for the longarm quilter. All your guild members will be very encouraging to her I\'m sure, and also get something out of the talk themselves. :)


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