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Help me with a NEW NAME

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Ladies I am having a NEW Website designed and although I love my Grammie Tammie I plan to only use it thru the end of the year and only for my pics and such.

I am getting ready to get some designs that I have digitized ready for sale and I have been wanting to come up with a name for my DESIGN website. You know this kinda stuff just stesses me out. lol I want something really wonderful. I know I want it to be the best name EVER. lol So will you help me out here. I\'ve taken way to long to get some digitized designs out there as I\'m CHICKEN but we are counting the days down now. lol

I have a few names in mind but who better than my friends to help me. Maybe you have a wonderful name for my design company.

Share if you may and know I will love all the names. Sorry NO prizes to give but I could think of something if I must. lol lolol

So if you could help Grammie Tammie out and come up with a wonderful name for my Design site I will surprise you. Trust me I WILL! I\'m full of surprises. lol

Who knows I might use one of my ideas but I might like yours better. That is if you will so allow me to. lol How do you see Grammie Tammie\'s website with wonderful digitized Designs and lots of FEATHERS. lol

Hugs to and thanks for your help.

Grammie Tammie

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Hey Tammie-

I love "Grammie Tammie" But understand needing another name.

(I have recently changed from "Out-Back Quilting" to

"Na-La\'s Quiltique") (Long Story for another time)

Anyway, Back to you..

A few that come to mind are...

"GT\'s Creations"

"Southern Belle Designs" ;)

"Fantasy Feathers by GT"

and my favorite....

"GT\'s Digi Designs"

Have fun with it.

The right name is out there.

(I couldn\'t resist the GT for Grammie Tammie. Just love it!)


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OK I just went and ROFLOL! :P

Grammie, I looked at your original post above and picked out all three of the words you have in CAPITAL LETTERS:




OK, so if you are trying to subliminally "hint" at what you really want then I think you need to call your business Design Chicken Feathers, or Chicken Feather Designs Unlimited, or Feather Designs are Chicken or ....

It\'s getting late. Before I look more stupid I will go Nite nite...

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Oh Grammie, my mind was busy and I have been thinking of some catchy names for your digitizing business, but the ones I come up with seem to be taken!

For example, I thought of DigiQuilt... I think that\'s taken already (the domain name is taken). Maybe you could do something like "Digiquilts by Tammie" or something like that?

OK, what about Digitized by Design. Hey, I like that one...Digitized by Design... hmmmm.... mostly because is not limited to just quilting...it could be for interior design furnishings, draperies, clothing...

anyway, ........I\'ll keep thinking........maybe I\'ll come up with more.

PS: I just checked GoDaddy and the domain name DigitizedbyDesign.com is available... LOL!!

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I don\'t know why but I think your from Texas so...

Texas feathers

Texas Digital Designs


TD Designs

Texas designs by Tammie

Designs by Tammie

TDT designs

Tammie Hughes Designs

TH Designs

Tammies Digital Designs

I\'m just trying to capture your personality here;)

Blissful Designs

supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Designs

Exuberent Designs

hope it gives you something to think about.

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