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Circle Lord for Lenni


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I just received the CL I ordered for my Lenni and with just a little help from my DH it is installed. I have watched the video and I have loaded some fresh muslin on the frame. Now if I could just get up the nerve to put the stylus to work. What is the learning curve on this thing? Any advice for me before I dive in?

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The learning curve is almost nil. What are you wanting to do? The day I got my CL I was doing all sort of neat patterns and loving the experience. With the templates all you have to do is drop in your stylus and away you go. Pick out a pattern and go for it! You will love your CL.

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It is very easy. Just drop that stylus into the hole and go to town! You will be amazed at the different designs you can achieve. I don\'t know what templates you got with it, but if you just play around you can come up with some really cool designs. Mark your settings with sharpies on your muslin when you like a design and want to be able to recreate it. I refer back to my practice pieces all the time when I want to use a particular design on a quilt.


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