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Virginia tornadoes

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The tornados hit about 20 miles southwest from Virginia Beach. We\'re ok here. One of my co-workers lives in Suffolk and lost his new home. I haven\'t heard anything from Georgene in NN. I just sold a Millie to Evelyn in Colonial Heights, which got hit with one of the 3 tornados. I contacted her and everything is fine with her and her family. She said she had the day off from work, otherwise her drive to work would have taken her through the tornados path. My day job is Emergency Management and I\'m fully involved in the incident. Please pray for the communities hit by three F-3 tornados in addition, give thanks that no one was killed and no critical injuries (amazing). This area prepares for hurricanes but tornados are rare. Thank you for caring!!!!!

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Thank goodness you are all okay. I was so worried. I heard it on the news and immediately thought of you all. If there is anything I can do to help anybody, please let me know.

We have been through a bad tornado in 2002 and had considerable damage, so I know how devastating it is.

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