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New Trapunto Hopping Foot

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Just curious.

At MQS some of the other machines have a new foot referred to the Trapunto foot.

I tested it out on all of them and I so liked it.

Any chance we could get this smaller size?

Has or is anyone looking into that possiblity.

It was very cool as it just kinda fits into the trapunto groves as you quilt with it. I really liked it alot. At least for the short period of time I played with it.


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Hi BrendaLee

Yes the foot is just a very small circle without the 1/4 inch for rulers.

What I liked is if you have a stuffed area that is a trapunto area with the extra batting the foot just hugs up against it and I found I had alot of control following a drawn design around that area. It had a good feel to it and let you get right up against the stuffing area for a nice clean stitch around the cut away. It didn\'t have the extra like our ruler foots do. It was more like 1/8 inch or less so you could get really close to the trapunto.

Hope that was clear as MUD. lolol. Anyway I really liked it.

Hugs Grammie

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Someone once told me that if you change out your foot, you would have to re time the machine. I was looking into getting a foot that I could coat white in the background (inside of the foot) so I could see better when outlining applique\'s, etc.

I\'d ask someone at APQS. I think that\'s why they don\'t make any other foot except the one we have.

I havent looked inside my machine yet, but if you remove the foot, that in itself makes you have to re time it????? I\'m confused, but like I said, i\'ve not looked inside to see how the foot is attached, or what you\'d have to remove or disassemble (timing wise) that would mess it up.

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