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Quilt Camp Mowana


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Hi Everyone, I will be going to Deloa\'s Quilt Camp Mowana and was hoping that we could start a chat with info on which airport, how to get to camp from the airport and just anything else to do with Quilt Camp. My email address is sewbobby@yahoo.com



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Hi, I probably don\'t have any info you are after,, we are driving in a day or two early, and don\'t know if we head home or to Wisc when we leave.. it all depends.. maybe Michican, or neither.

I\'ve not been before, Heidi M pesterd me and badgered me and poked and prodded (not) till I finally said All right, I

agreed to go, now she has to lower gas prices!!!


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Hi Rita, Thanks for responding, wish I lived withing driving range, but I\'m way over in CA. I know we will have a fantastic time and learn loads. I am always so motivated to try new things when I come home from hands on LA classes.

Hope to meet you at Camp


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I\'ll be there, along with three other quilters from Louisiana. We have not finialized our travel plans. We are going a few days early so we can visit a museum in Vermont to see the Dear Jane quilt. When we finalize our plans I will post. We may be able to go by an airport and pick up a few people.

Have a great weekend!!


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Rita - sorry can\'t do anything about the gas but pray it goes down...sure wish my Daddy was an oil tycoon cause my inheritance would be huge!

Barb - as Rita said I went last year and had a great time. I learned so much and the teaching staff were just wonderful! We laughed until and cheeks and sides hurt! I haven\'t decided for sure but I think I\'ll be driving in this year. I flew in last year. I\'ll be thinking about it and doing a little research before I decide for sure. I\'ll be meeting up with a friend for a couple of days after camp this year as I did last year. We just had a few wonderful girl days after camp! We had so much fun we said we would make it a yearly event! If I drive I\'ll probably drive to her house or meet her somewhere in between.

Sandra - let me know if you come to VT. Where in VT are you going? I live in upstate NY and can be in VT in 45 minutes so you could always stop by my house on your way to camp if you need a place to stay. I have plenty of room for you and then I could follow you to camp. Hubby would be thrilled that I wasn\'t traveling alone the whole way. It is about 9 hours from my house to camp.

For those of you coming from Cleveland airport it is just over an hours drive to camp and it is a really easy drive!

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