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You are all Quilting Pros

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You all whip out those quilts so fast and here I am a newbie still on first quilt- One more roll and I will only be half way.

Of course I help my DH with his Auto Repair business too, His bookkeeping, And today his Main computer went down, I had to take the hard drives out and put them into another Computer so he could stay in business. LOL Then there is the housework.. I do as little as possible... :P

I am so pleased with my APQS Liberty it has not given me any problems! KNOCK KNOCK ON wood! I spend time here reading all, even the past posts and have gotten so much needed advice.

Thank to you all!

PS- DH says it isn\'t fair, there is no site out their to help Auto Shop owers with trouble Auto\'s ;)

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Edie...you made me smile....isn\'t it a shame that life gets in the way of quilting. I wouldn\'t worry about the time it takes you to do a quilt. Its your first one....I think I took over a week to do my first one...didn\'t help that it was a king and they wanted circles all over it, and I didn\'t have the tools that we have now to do it.:P:P

Speed comes with pactice and time...don\'t rush it, enjoy what you do...and don\'t get so that you hate your new found love for quilting. I burned out after 7 years of heavy heavy quilt...needed to take almost 3 years off before I even wanted to see my machine again. This time I plan to handle things a lot different, and keep it for me...and if and when I do customer quilts again...they will be done at my time and speed or not at all by me.:P

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Carol....I have either a make shift type thingy that works like the Hartley Fence or I use the Gadget Girls Circle Templates....either one works well for me. I actually perfer the plastic template...I don\'t have to fiddle with putting the gizmo on. I find that if I have a slow speed...and your SR would come in handy here...and watch your placement of your hands. Don\'t go to fast and work your way around the template...I start either at the bottom (6 oclock postion) or the top (12 oclock) and work either way....moving my hand when I have to... paying attention to the joining spot as you come around. Sometimes they aren\'t perfect, but okay for me.

Years ago, before we had templates, I had Gene make me a set of wooden circles and squares to go around...pitched those...I like the plastic better I can see through it.

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I use my Hartley Fence. I\'ve tried using plastic templates, but they all seem to move while I\'m using them. I\'ve even tried putting the sand paper things on. Maybe I haven\'t used them enough. I\'m either holding them to tight or to loose, haven\'t figured out what I\'m doing wrong yet. Hope to get some suggestions when I go to Camp Mowana.


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