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DH is in law enforcement and for some reason he (&others in the department) do not think it's funny at all:o-can you believe it?? I LOVE that show-I LOVE the short pant uniform! When we were in Las Vegas I bought the entire bolt of 1/2 naked cop fabric!!!!!! ;) You know the 1/2 naked cowboy fabric? (I have that one too) :D The cop fabric is like that but they are motorcycle cops without their shirts!! I LOVE it!! I really love a man in (& out of) uniform!!! LOLOLOL


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Nope Shana....the cops in RENO hate that show, all forces...Sparks, Reno & Washoe County Sheriff's Department. Gene won't even watch a trailer of the show....

He has one co-worker that loves the show, has never been to Reno and thinks its filmed on location in Reno. Several of the shots are, but for the most part its a back lot in LA some place. She is always asking him about people on the show thinking that they are based possiblly on some one Gene use to work with.:P:P

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OMG! I had never watched this show before until just this last night... I was in bed trying to fall asleep (DH is out of town) and I flipped on the comedy channel and was laughing my head off. The guy in the short shorts...ROFL! Oh well, I am sorry I did not know that the true guys in blue do not appreciate the humor in it. Hmmm... OK. I work with a bunch of retired troopers and police (now security guards) so I will ask a few of them what they think of the show? Anyway, didn't mean to step on toes but I do appreciate the real cops in life as they have to deal with a lot of trash every day. Isn't it fun to have a little giggle about it now and then and lighten up a little? So what. We all know that Reno 911 is fake!

PS: Two of my favorite shows on TV are Cops and America's Most Wanted. :) I know those shows are for real and makes me appreciate our police even more to keep us safe from all the bad guys in this world.

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

We all know that Reno 911 is fake!

Not Sally.....Gene's now Co-worker....she totally believes this is a true story and will argue with him each week after she sees the show that there HAS to be something that is real in the show....she feels that writers aren't smart enough to do this without having truth behind it.

She will even go back to the 1950-and 60's and refer to the old "Dragnet" radio and tv shows, which were based on LA crimes...and because of that she is so believing that this is how writers, do things today.

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The story I heard is that the Reno PD pissed off some of the Hollywood writer types, and this is part of their retaliation.

There was a movie recently filmed that was based here. They only shot three days in Reno because it is too expensive to shoot here. Wonder why? Most of the movie was shot in New Mexico, (similar topography) because they offer incentives and are movie friendly.

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I must tell you what happened to my son (a cop) not so long ago. He was on road patrol and was at a stop light when a car pulled up beside him and the four occupants motioned that they were pulling over. He followed them and approached the driver's side to see what the problem was. They apologized for the inconvenience but explained that they were on a scavenger hunt and one thing they needed was a picture of a cop eating a donut. He had a good laugh and enjoyed his donut.

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Originally posted by Katieflys

The story I heard is that the Reno PD pissed off some of the Hollywood writer types, and this is part of their retaliation.

Wouldn't surprise me at all....RPD, have some of the best in the "I have a badge hear me roar" department....DH use to call it "Badgeicitis".

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