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Okay guys, I am sure none of you have ever done this, but just in case. I was trying to move my laser to the front because I was sure I could figure out how to do a border panto from the front and having never moved my laser before, unscrewed something and it all fell apart. Now in the manual there is a picture of it all put together but now how it got that way and nothing seems to fit. I have 3 quilts needing to get done and they all are panto quilts so I am kind of nervous here. Can someone tell me how to put this back together? Thank you so much for helping this senior citizen. I am sure if my eyes were younger I would be able to figure it out:D

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Hey Bekah,

I'm at the quilt shop right now, so not much help. I'll call you tonight and see if I can't talk you through this. Option #2. I'm meeting a friend for a late lunch/early dinner, and she lives in Gresham. Maybe I'll just swing out your way and we'll do it together.


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Bekah, I did the same think and I ended up calling Linda A (note to self, add Beth and Linda R to my list of people to call) and she walked me thru putting it all back together. She knew all the terminology too, she knew that the thinga-ma-jig went in next to the round thingy next to the washer thingy!!! Or somthing like that. :P:P But she saved my bacon! Glad that Beth could help you out. Your a jewel Beth.

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Good Morning all. THANK YOU BETH. She was wonderful. Had her puzzled for a just a minute too and so she got to see my dust bunnies while we looked for a missing piece:P but her young eyes looked at a picture in the manual and figured it out and I went Duh. Patty Jo I should have called you. You would have understood my thing-a-ma-jiggy language perfectly.

Thank you for your support. I was so excited to get it fixed that I just started quilting away wihout looking to see if all my rummaging around had disturbed my qult back and then got to spend 2 hours playing froggy.:D

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What dust bunnies?

Sorry that you had to do some frogging, that is my least favorite thing to do.

I was looking at my machine, and talking to Mr. Wonderful last night about raising the rails. Yes. You need to take the roller bar off, then unscrew the large bolt that goes into the table leg to raise it up. I think leveling your top roller would help matters.


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