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Anybody belong to Longarmchat.com?

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Hi Victoriasews

I'm a member my subs run out in Dec 08 and I won't be renewing. It is a good site lots of great inspiration etc but you can get the same on


for nothing ;) and some of the girls are members of longarmchat so I'd suggest joining MQResources it's free. My 2cents worth (which is just under your 2cents worth is the us) :D

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I am a member and have been for several years. It is a great site with lots of help in different areas. My most favorite though is the "how would you quilt this" section where you can post a photo of the quilt and some of the members will draw wonderful ideas for you.


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I get inspiration from this site...and if nothing is going on here...then I pop into MQR. This is my secret....and hopefully I won't get burned at the stake for saying this...I'm not a fan of Linda Taylor's quilting, so I just don't go there. I know it is a chat sponsored by her...but I have enough with the two sites I am on. Besides, I don't pay for subscriptions to any site...Linda Taylors, Longarmchat.com, Alex Anderson's, none of them...maybe I should, but I don't and I won't. Gosh, that felt good...thanks for bringing this up.

Thank you APQS for not making us pay for this great site!!

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I'm with Mary Beth, I don't and won't pay for that kind of service. I prefer to support them by purchasing product, the least they can do is make their site free. I probably would buy more if they did because I would be able to see their product better.

Hint, hint....just in case anyone from Linda T's and Alex and Ricky's site is reading this.

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I love longarmchat because it is members only and I think it is more worthwhile than a magazine subscription. (BTW it is owned by Linda Lawson, not Linda Taylor) I only put pictures of my quilting on that site because it is private. It does have some unrelated topics, but it is mostly about quilting. I obviously read this site as well. Each site does have something to offer.

Janet Mohler

Colorado Springs

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