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I have a list of thing that I need to order, and I am hoping that I can get them all at the same place. Any suggestions?

Here's my list: Wavy ruler, circle templates, cross hatch ruler, and some pantos.

Also, can anyone tell me how to make the curved shapes inside squares that meet in the corners. Well, that's not a very good description. You know, the curves/half ovals on the inside of each side of a square. (not much better of an explanation). I am thinking that I should be able to do these with the CL, but not sure how to do it.

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I think the word you are looking for is maybe continuous curves? You can use a variety of shapes to achieve that, any curved, circular or melon shaped ruler can work on those. There are also special rulers designed just for that. It sounds like you have a good list. Just buy a couple at a time to make sure you really like using them.

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Another great resource is Columbia River Quilting (you might have to cut and paste - don't think it came in as a link - sorry)


Being about the same level you are, the things I ordered are:

short SID ruler & longer straight ruler

one set of circles (like because there are so many different sizes in a set and can use for lots of things)

a wavy ruler that has different waves sizes on each side of ruler - great for spines!

several pantos - love lots of designs and they are great for practicing.

I didn't bother with a crosshatch at this point - just use the longer straight ruler and do some marking.

chat later,


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Hey Meg, we think alike. I had just finished ordering from Columbia River when I read your post. I too, like their site. I ordered pretty much the same as you, except I opted for the Cross hatch instead of the circles. Do I really need circles if I have the CL? Still trying to figure this all out. Have a Class on the 22nd. That should help a lot.

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Yes I am glad I got the circles - it allows me to do (still in the practice mode) the really curved spines for feathers, a feathered wreath, etc. For just a few circles, I can't see pulling the CL out. Plus, they work great for continuous curves - pick the size closest to what you want - put a bit of tape on the ruler and voila - everything works out great.

Let me know how your class goes - am really excited for you. I know my 2 classes prior to deciding about even buying a LA have made such a difference for me. Take notes now about questions you might have and what you might want to work on. Let your teacher know ahead of time. She/he will be more prepared to cover what you want as well as covering things she thinks will be most helpful to your. Get the most out of your time. My free classes come up in September. Bayside quilting offered me their 4 day class with purchase. I know some will be a repeat by then, but I am sure will learn lots more and by then I will really know more of the questions I need answered. Their classes are based around the HQ16, but am sure most will be relevant. I really think we will be learning forever!!

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