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RNC/Rather be Quilting

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OK, the Repbulicans are in town and I work two blocks from the XCel energy center in St. Paul. The anarchists were out yesterday with 400 arrests. Children's actually locked down yesterday because they demonstrators were getting too close.

Traffic is a gnarly mess, with employees having to park 1-2 miles away and be shuttled in because they took over our parking lot, taking a . I look out a window to see a decontaination unit in what used to be a garden...just in case there is a dirty bomb or other catastrophe and we are so close to the action.

I have to say I would rather be quilting!

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I used to work in downtown St Paul... for Xcel Energy, at the High Bridge plant. I was layed off in December. After seeing all the commotion on TV and hearing about it from my DH (who works midnight to noon for MNdot) it is one huge mess there! And allot of violence... be care full, and stay safe! If you have some vaca.... now may be the time to use a few days... and enjoy your quilting!

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I don't recall hearing news about anarchists or any commotion or disruption or protests with hundreds of arrests during the Democratic Convention in Denver last week.... why does it have to happen during the Republican Convention?

It's one thing to protest (quietly and respectfully???) .. it's another thing to act like a bunch of jerks and disrupt innocent lives, children trying to attend school, and those citizens who are trying to report to work and the operation of running businesses in that area of the city...and trample over a beautiful garden.... :( Sheesh!

This sort of behavior really sours my stomach!

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From what I heard on the news most of these protesters do not look like they are over 18. Sounds like school was out. Wonder if they were paid to go protest? That has happened before, paying homeless people and students to go hold signs. Sounds like more of a riot than a protest. There was a lot of damage to City property, and private property alike. How sorry can you get?

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