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hair on black fabric

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Vacuum it.

Really. I use my smaller attachments and I simply vacuum if I have that happen. I also vacuum my studio every day before I begin and try to keep the floor surface free of lint and such but it just happens with black sometimes.

I have a really powerful vacuum. put a panty hose over the end if your concerned about damage.

Also the PET LINT brushes work great too.


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Karen, not to sound nasty or mean...When I was quilting for others, I would have to really clean and scrub the floors before I did the next quilt, some customers really had a problem with even a tiny hair that wasn\'t there when they brought it in, and then there were others that their quilts came in hairy.

When I moved the studio to the house....it was a huge problem, and the vaccum never got put away....it was just how I dealt with it. Good luck, its a loosing battle when you have pets.

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Hopefully you used black batting in this quilt? If not, you may be pulling batting fibers out through the fabric - called "bearding." I think it only happens with poly batts, but I\'m not entirely sure. I did a hand-quilted wallhanging with a black background and couldn\'t figure out why I couldn\'t get rid of the pet hair on it. The more I swiped it with the lint roller, the worse it got!:o

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When I had a kitty....my vet suggested a special comb that has teeth that get to the under growth hair. Wow, did I ever get a lot of hair off that cat!! I would comb her every day and she loved it, but it was a mess. She is no longer with us....she is playing in that big catnip garden in the sky :) and I miss her....but I sure don\'t miss the hair (or the litter box).

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