Hi all, yes I am still on the hold pattern. In June of last year I was diagnosed with cancer. Surgeries and now chemo has kept me from continuing moving forward. My goal is by Christmas of this year. I am doing well. God's got this and He is so good to me!! In March, A Mountain Quilt Fest in Pigeon Forge. I won't be up for a class, chemo brain is a real thing, however Sharon Schambler will be teaching so I am going to see if I can find her and ask about her Prodigy experience. I have been able to test Handi Quilter, Nolting, APQS, Innova, Pennywinkle, Q'nique 14+, Juki 2200 QVP, Baby Lock Crown Jewel, and Tiara III. I was at a Tin Lizzy dealer buying fabric, a renter started her quilt and within 10 minutes I had a headache, it was so loud - that's definitely not an option. Thank you all for your input. I admire and respect you all.