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Is anybody else in Nevada? or Utah?

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I am hoping to find someone else on this forum who is in Nevada. Or Utah. I am all alone out here in the middle of nowhere. I have a friend with an HQ16, and we share ideas. I am also part of a quilt guild. It would be nice to meet someone else who LAs somewhat close to me. ;) That almost makes me laugh as I am 240 miles in all directions to the next nearest city. Did I say I was in the middle of nowhere??? I meant I was in the middle of everywhere! Or so it feels, if I choose to drive to get there!

Thanks though for all the helpful hints and tips and great advice for LAing. I love this forum. You are all so nice and willing to share.

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What happened to the three longarmers that were in Elko (they were my biggest competition)...and there are several in Battlemountain. I don't know if any of them are on this list because they all have Gammil's, but we have those here on the forum as well.

I use to live in Reno (1987-2004), but now live in New York, so can't help you much there, but am here all the time so maybe I can be of some help.:cool::P

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Hi, Kristina,

Good to see you online! For those of you who are not familiar with Nevada, Kristina and I live about 188 miles from one another. Close for Nevada, but not exactly a quick trip across town!

There are quite a few longarmers in Elko, but there is not a longarm group. I wanted to start one, but with my job I travel so much it was hard to get anything going. I've heard our travel has been cut back for next year (yippee!) so maybe I'll pursue it again.

I have finally given up on doing customer quilts. That is mostly because my quilting time is so limited. In the past two years, I have only finished ONE thing of my own. So I just finished up the last quilt for a customer and am calling it quits so I can work on my own stuff! There seems to be quite a demand for quilting around here. I get calls all the time.

Kristina, feel free to call or email any time!

Lisa E in Elko

where it is finally snowing!

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I live in Utah. Up in the Ogden area. I'm sorry to say that I don't know where Ely is located! Am I very far from you?

I don't know any long armers here, either. I know they are around, but I haven't met any. This site makes it feel like I'm surrounded by like-minded people all the time!!


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