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piano key question

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Hi! I need some advice on piano key borders. I think I am going to do it on the quilt I have been fixing. ( http://www.apqs.com/quiltboard/viewthread.php?tid=14575 ) It is much better now, only a little extra in the border, but I was watching Myrna's beginners video and she worked with about 2" or more of extra when she did the wavy piano key. Do you think since I still have some extra that the piano key would be better than the crosshatching that we were going to do? If you think I could still do the crosshatching, I think I would like to do it, but if you think I might run into problems down the quilt, I'd rather do the piano keys. Also, MY quilt is just plain black with no "marker" spots on where to place the piano keys. Do you mark? Do you start in the middle and go out or at the side and work around the top? I'm just not sure where to start this quilt. I need help!! I know I might not be making much sense.....maybe I sould wait till tomorrow to think about it..:) linda Thanks for any input!

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With my vast experience (read NONE!) I like the way that victoriasews treated her huge borders, which used both piano keys and feathers.


I would imagine that it would be easier to ease in the fullness with Piano keys, than with Crosshatching, which could look awful if the spacing is slightly out. Piano keys seem to be far more "forgiving".

I am sure some of the experts like Myrna, Bonnie, Shana etc will have a much better idea.


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Hi Linda,

If you don't have piecing to guide the placement of the piano keys, just measure the border and divide it into pleasantly spaced keys. If the borders are different lengths, fudge all along to hide the difference.

For piano keys on black, you will only need a teeny mark at the inside border seam,( I am assuming you will use your channel locks) but you will need to mark both the inside and outside --which can be done with a blue wash-away on the batting instead of on the fabric--no worry about removing the marks later. You will start at the seams and stitch to the edge. Then stitch on the batting to the next marked line and stitch back to the seam. So you will need marks at the edge as well to do "plain" piano keys.

I just did a double piano key on a baby quilt--it was easier since there was piecing to mark off the distances. I started at the seam w/channel lock on, stitched to the edge, channel lock off, stitched on the batting up the width of the hopping foot, channel lock on, stitch back to seam, ch lock off, SID to the next mark. This made a nice "formal" looking border, knocked down some fullness, and looks great. The piecing was 3 inch blocks and the double line straddled the piecing seam lines. The spacing looked good and it takes very little time to stitch out.

If you need to mark on black, I am in love with the Clover white markers. The marks go on "liquid" and then quickly dry to a very bright white. The marks iron or spritz off. Love 'em!

Hope some of this helped--if I wasn't in my jammies right now, I would go out and take a pic of the borders I just finished. Maybe tomorrow.

Good luck!

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I think the piano key is the way to go on this one. You might think about adding another layer of batting in those edges to help take up some of the slack. Didn't you say you had already done the starch and steam? You might do somemore of that, too. We've had posts on here where it seems like I recall the waves being almost as bad as this one.

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Thanks for the input , everyone!! I started it today. I am taking a break! I've been at it for about 4-5 hours!:o I did the piano keys....thanks Linda R for telling me how to do them!! I used my channel locks....first time..... cool!!:cool: I had to UNROLL some of my quilt and fix a seam that had come undone. The 1/4 " seam allowance was nonexsistent! MY wonderful DH helped me unroll and hold it while I sewed it by hand then roll it back up! I'm glad I wasn't too far in! So, I have the first 4 borders on the top almost done......3 to go! Then the actual quilt! :D Thanks again for your help~! linda

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