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binding question

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I received a call this afternoon from a lady who has 2 old quilts that she says need new bindings. I said I would look at them, but has anyone done this and how do you charge for the service? This may be a little off the longarm business, but thought someone might have an opinion.:(

You can e-mail me privately.

Thanks, Barbara

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Hi Barbara,

I have done this a number of times. Like Sharon, I charge by the inch but when pricing, consider how long it will take you to remove the old binding and what she wants to replace it with. I charge a little more if they want me to make bias instead of straight-of-grain, hand finish vs. machine, use easy to find fabric or search for vintage goods to coordinate with an older quilt. good luck.

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I charge $3 a foot for binding made from provided fabric. To retain the integrity of the vintage quilts, would you be able to bind over the old binding? Use a single binding instead of double, and enclose the old inside the new. It requires hand-sewing both sides so $3 a foot may not be enough!!

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I replaced a binding last year for my SIL. Because of the type of quilt it was, I was able to just cut off the previously binded edge and put a new one on...saved a lot of time not having to rip off the old one. I know this wouldn't suit all quilts, but say if there is a large border on it, would anyone really know that you trimmed off half an inch all around? Mind you, on this quilt I wasn't being paid for the service so she was up for whatever I suggested!

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You guys are cheap, maybe I should start to send my binding to you.....I'm with Linda...$3.00 or more to do this.... Not sure I would put it over the old binding, but I still would be charging way more than 15 cents or 25 cents and inch even if they did provide the binding.

I charge $2.50 a linar foot for binding and if I have to make the binding with their material its $3.50 a linar foot.... but for something like this I would be charging way more...by the hour ($10.00) to take it off and then my normal charge after that. Now if they want to take it off that's fine...it would be my normal charge after that.

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