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Traveling to Iowa-Worth Stopping at APQS?

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Hey Anyone, Our mission trip plans, for the first time in 14 years, changed as we were to travel to Mexico but, it is too violent. So, our group has decided to go to Cedar Rapids to help with the rebuild from the floods last year. March is not exactly when I had planned to travel to Iowa because if I'm on vacation and going where it is cold and snowing, I'd prefer Colorado so, I could at least ski. Anyways, it's for a good cause. My question - is it worth stopping at APQS in Des Moines? Is there really anything to check out?;)

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The showroom is good to see, all of the machines are set up and you can go in and try all of them. The best part, for me, is seeing the quilts hanging around....there is one by Dawn Cavanaugh with sunflowers that I could stand and look at for hours.

If you are in the Cedar Rapids area and decide to go to the showroom....stop off at the quilt shop in the Amana Colonies. There is one, I think in South Amana, called Fern Hill....I love this shop!!

Here is a fun site to go to that shows the shops in Iowa....


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Several years ago I was able to deliver my machine head from Reno, NV to the Carroll location and I was able to spend some time in the shop with everyone...and got a grand tour....it was WELL worth just that...and it was so nice to put a name to a voice. We talk with these people often its nice to know what they look like.

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There is also a great quilt shop just a couple of blocks straight down the street from the Showroom in Des Moines. It is fabulous and Dawn can tell you about it. But, yes the APQS Showroom if wonderful and there are several of Dawns quilts hanging so you can check them all out.


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The Showroom is great. You get to see all the machines side by side as well as all the quilts hanging on the walls. It's always good to meet the people we talk with on the phone and be able to put a face to the voice.

If you have a chance to get up to Carroll, the Factory is a must. The APQS team is awesome. Very friendly and knowledgeable about their craft. I would definately recommend both if possible.


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It's worth the trip. However, Dawn is not in the office everyday and is teaching on some other days. There are also a lot of road shows going on right now. I don't know who all goes to them, but I would call ahead to find out if anyone is going to be in the office before you show up.

There are some great quilt shops here in Des Moines. Creekside Quilting, Quilt Junction and the Quilt Block are the best.

The weather has been beautiful in Iowa the last few days. Even had 70's a few days ago. Most of the snow is melted.


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Carroll is definitely worth the side trip to see how our "babies" are born. Make a list of any necessary replacement parts (bobbins, bobbin cases, bushings, etc) that you might want to have on hand as you can take them with you and not pay shipping. I haven't been to the Des Moines showroom so I cant say anything about it. If you are a Fons and Porter fan thier shop is in Winterset, IA, about an hour south of Des Moines.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Everyone, Stopped in last Friday and got some great assistance from Dawn. She was so kind and spent most of the afternoon explaining things to me that I should have learned from the 1st class and didn't plus, also some really good tips. Got home last night from Cedar Rapids and now, after spending the morning catching up on mail, etc., getting ready to go load a quilt to see if we got my machine squared up. Hubby spent this morning working on it.

PS - if anyone is into doing mission trips, they do still need lots of of assistance up in Cedar Rapids after the flooding last June. There are still over 1000 homes that have not even been mucked out and many that may have to be even torn down because the foundation/basement got washed away. The damage was really about as bad as New Orleands but, it is not as much "in your face" especially because you don't see the FEMA trailers in everyones yard while driving thru town because they are in trailer parks. :D:D

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