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My machine is going to the "spa"


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Hi there...My machine is going on vacation to Iowa. She is currently en-route...via UPS. She was a little nervous, but I told her it was like visiting "family."

It takes about 5 days for her to get there...(slow boat to Iowa)...coming from the Seattle area...so she will be there on Friday.

She is in need of some spa treatments...a thorough cleaning, etc...She has never come to visit before, and she is probably at least 6 years old.

Please be kind...She is nervous. I look forward to hearing how she acts...She had a thorough lecture about proper manners before she was boxed up for safety.

I look forward to hearing from our Maintenance Reps once you meet her. She may be a bit dirty from the long trip. (nothing to do with her lack of cleanliness, I swear)

Give her a hug...Tell her I say "HI!!!" ;)

Karen Burns

Compulsive Quilting

Carnation, Washington

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Hi Heidi...

I think this is going to be a pretty expensive spa vacation...My poor machine, I've never named her...(it was going to be Millie, but that is the name of my ex Mother In Law, so that spoiled it for me) needs a bit of an uplift. (I need an uplift too...probably not in Iowa though)

It has been kind of lonely without her around...I may actually clean my studio now...(what a concept)

I will take pictures of her bright and shiny when she gets home...I just can't wait. Believe it or not, I miss her already.

Onward and Upward.


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