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Roses for MQX: THANKS!!

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Thanks to all involved in making and distributing the APQS rose pins made for MQX last week.

They were beatuilfully made and delightful to wear! I appreciated your efforts. When stepping into an APQS-users booth (Sue Schmeiden, De Loa Jones, etc.), I always got a warm welcome and a "another flower" remark by the folks in the booth!!

It was such fun to be part of our little club.

I'll save it for future quilt shows.

Lisa Burghart

APQS Liberty

NW New Jersey

Longarm Group: North Jersey Girls Quilters!

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Guest Linda S

The flowers were lovely and they helped identify people, although I was so brain dead I couldn't remember who I had met already and who I hadn't! :P I chased after Bonnie to meet her after Renae's class and Bonnie was the person who had given me my rose. :o Talk about being out in left field! Oh well, my excuse is that I came in on the red eye on Sunday and stayed till the following Sunday, when I ended up in full blown sickness. I must have used about five boxes of tissues at my sister's house. Hopefully, it wasn't the swine flu!!


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The roses were great. I really appreciated having them so I could recognize people from the forum. I thing I had a hard time was remembering names and faces. I probably would have been better if everyone wore their nametags on their forehead. I am bad at remembering names and the faces that go with them. Sorry.


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