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Adobe Photoshop is on offer - is it worth it?

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I had an email from Amazon UK telling me that Adobe Photoshop 7 is on offer at £50 (40% off).

I usually use Picasa to adjust photos and reduce the size for posting but sometimes it does weird things like muddle albums up and it doesn't do anything really dramatic. I also use Flickr to post web photos when I remember...

I wonder if I bought a proper program would it really be worth it? I want to get going more with PowerPoint too...

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Adobe Photoshop is a phenomenal program, however, unless you are really going to use all the features, you can do just as well with Adobe Photoshop Elements at a significantly lower cost. The first time I used it, it was packaged free with a digital camera.

Originally posted by sewlinzi

I had an email from Amazon UK telling me that Adobe Photoshop 7 is on offer at £50 (40% off).

I wonder if I bought a proper program would it really be worth it? I want to get going more with PowerPoint too...

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I agree that Photoshop Elements seems to have everything I need - - in fact more than I've completely figured out, and I took an 8 hour class at the local junior college to get to that point. These applications are also pretty big, so I had to upgrade the memory on my laptop to get it to run well. Somehow it's never as simple as you'd like it to be.


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Photoshop Elements will do for most of the "adjustments" you would like to make to any photo.

The older brother is called Photoshop CS2 / CS3 or recently available CS4.

Price of this older brother, having more functionality is far more than the price for Elements and used by professional photographers.

There is a great monthly magazin available called Photoshop Creative with all kinds of tips and trics


There is also an online community for users of PS Elements


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Hi Linzi,

I do "simple" and "easy to learn". While I feel Photoshop, and Photoshop Elements are great programs, they are just a tad tooo---professional with their editing features.

For years I have owned and used Microsoft Digital Image Suite 9. There are upgrades to this program now, but I still use the tried and true version 9. You can do just about everything in Image Suite that you can with PS Elements. I can air brush, resize, lighten darken, crop, straighten, border and much more in the program than I even need to use.

I used this program to edit pictures for our large guild website for several years, and I continue to use it almost daily to do image editing. Here is just one of many pictures I have lightened , straightened and cropped with MS Image and edited the image edges with Image Suite 9.

Granted my camera has a lot to do with how pictures turn out, so I should mention that. It's Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ18 with 18x Optical Zoom with Leica lens.

You can still find Image Suite 9 on Amazon, and occasionally on eBay. Almost every picture I have posted here or on my blog were taken with the Lumix camera and edited with Image Suite 9.

PS. I do have "Hello Kitty" sewing machine now. Target & Sears both had it for sale last week if you are still looking. I bought mine on eBay last month. New.


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