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3s and Es--Instructions?

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Laura, just search Machine Quilting resources. Once there, search for three's and es. in the forum. I was able to get to it from there. It is not in the beginning of the post. I believe it is on the second page.

Dory, in the post, she does give permission to use the design as you choose. I can't imagine she would have a problem with you sharing. That's just silly. You didn't claim it was your design. I wouldn't worry. You gave credit where credit was do. Thanks for the tip. I really do like this design.


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Dory did not claim the work as her own. And although she did not initially say it was Rebecca's work, she did in her apology.

I'm sure that she did not mean any disrespect to either MQR or Rebecca Segura by posting the tutorial. We all love to share. Afterall, I shared it with Dory via email since I knew that she was an MQR member. And mcarmikle is an MQR member. If Dory had sent the file to mcarmickle using email instead of a downloadable post, I would not be writing this post. I have no way of knowing how many of the 66 people who downloaded the file are MQR members.

But Rebecca posted it on MQR for MQR members.

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Kristina - yes, I read a post by Suzanne on Apr 22 saying that they are working on putting the videos on DVD for purchase. Many members are not able to keep a good signal long enough to view the videos. This will be much easier.

Suzanne posted saying that they are still working on the details and are considering putting the online classes offered at MQR on DVDs.

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