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I am frogging a row of stitching in Batik

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Yikes! Monika, you poor thing. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I had a batik where the holes did NOT heal. That batik was so crisp, it felt like it still had a lot of wax in the fibers, and I honestly think the needle broke the fibers instead of separating them. Those holes never did close after water, steam, brushing, fingernail scratching, and I don't remember what else I did. I was up front with the customer; showed him the front first so he could appreciate the beautiful job I did;). Then I gave him the bad news. When I turned it over to show him, he had to get down really close to see what I was talking about. I think he thought I was exaggerating. At least it was just the backing that was batik. The top was quilter's cotton and those holes healed with no problem.

I sure hope someone has a sure fix for you. I'll pray for you. There was a thread that mentioned using a dilution of fabric softener and spraying that on. It is supposed to help relax the fibers back into place.

Good luck. Be sure you have excellent light for your frogging.

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Oh Bonnie you are a sweetheart. I will frog it, almost done, if my fingers can hold out. Then I'll finish quilting, it was the second last row, then I'll steam it with a pressing cloth. I have arctic bamboo for batting so shrinkage will be minimal and the fibers can take the heat. Thank goodness I put that in instead of cotton or poly. Lets hope it will all work out. If not, Ill wash the darn thing. I have to send it back in the mail tomorrow and I am confident it will be okay.

Just a bummer we have to use these big needles with the lava thread. I wish they didn't have that big scarf and hook.

Thanks for your advice. have a great night.

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Hi Kristina, I wish it was my Quilt and then I'd wash it and all would be okay.

I finished frogging, completed the last row and a half, took it off the frame, used my Cotton Oicker sponge glove to smooth the front, turned the Quilt over, draped it over my frame and sprayed the back with a fine misty hot water. I could see the holes and the pokies disappear immediately.

It can now air dry and if need be I will iron in the morning. Now I will drag myself to my bed. My back is killing me.

Have a greatt night and thanks a bunch.

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I justy checked the beast and it still has little holes in the back, not as bad as it was last night, so I\\ll use a wet pressing cloth and a hot iron, and see if that works. This is a first time customer who has heard of me from others and wanted to try me, go figure that something like this just had to happen. Oh and you know what elese happened on this Quilt? This silly goose didn't measure right for batting, I had to splice 2 inches on at the bottom. I guess I should quit when I am tired or have my mind on other things. Another lesson learned.

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