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Need help - business venture.

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From what I understand (and that's not much) they are two very different things.

A copyright is almost instant but is only on "intellectual property" usually printed and is really a notice of who has permission to reproduce (right to copy)

Patent is on a "thing" and has to be reviewed by some powers that be in Washington.

There are government websites that have the info and forms (and fees) Try google

Good Luck on your new venture.

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You can look up the Patents office in DC and get the basic information. Patents come in all different fees...


When I would file a copyright for a certain logo being used by the furniture store I worked for it was a form and a fee of about $400, and then you needed to re-register is after a certain amount of years...top of head I think it was ten...but not sure.

Now a copyright for a pattern will need to be a bit more studied..as they will have to make sure that you are the only one who holds a copyright for that...more details and again more money.

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My husband applied for and received a patent about 20 years ago. I remember it took him a considerable amount of time doing the research and writing the description. I know there were statistics that indicated there only a small chance he would receive patent approval on the first application, but he did. He did not renew the patent and sold his rights to the item but I still have all of the paperwork somewhere. I think of it as a life achievement, much like receiving an award, and can't bring myself to dispose of the paperwork. Sylvia, I wish you well with your pursuit of a patent, look forward to reading your announcement that you did receive it and am hoping it is quilting related! :)

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I don't do copyrights for my patterns. I put on the bottom back of my cover sheet that it's an original pattern and may not be reproduced by any means without express written permission by me. I know there are a lot of people out there that don't care about copyright laws or that they are stealing but it makes me feel better. Right now I have 19 patterns.

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