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NQR first day back at work!

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I'd love to leave the day job behind but unfortunately I just can't make as much quilting! I have a good professional job although it comes with its share of problems! I would so much rather be quilting! Hubby is still the bread winner and I keep telling him that I'm good being a kept woman! I will work for another 8 years 5 months to the day as of today! I can hardly wait! I told hubby I'm retiring at 55. He says he work until he is 65 and I told him I didn't care if he worked until he was 85 but I'm done! Somebody has to work to support my quilting habit!:P:P:P:P:P:P

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unfortunately I know what you mean I am also counting down, I figure I have about 8 years as well. at least until I can collect ss unless they up that too. If I could earn my current salary quilting I guess I would think about it too but that isnt' going to happen so unless I win the lottery ....it's off to work I go!!

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Heidi glad you are home. Sorry you are not having a good day but at least you get to play with grease. LOL

I get to change my grease out too, but my front spool holder doesn't screw it is anchored with very sticky stuff. which is why I haven't changed my grease yet, but I have to wear earmuffs it is so loud now.

wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all just quilt full time? ah something to dream about. I thought I would get to retire when I turned 62, nope, have to wait a few more years. Thankful to have a job right now though.

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I did it!!!! I came home late from the office. My day today was not any better than yesterday. One of the researchers gave me a rubberband gun...lol he might regret that! He was the one that gave me a hug because he was so happy to see me. Pretty funny. I'm still digging out and I don't think I'll see the bottom anytime too soon. Things were a mess!

Anyway I came home and did my gear box all by myself :cool:! left the machine off tonight and upside down so that the silicone could dry completely. I hope tomorrow night that I can get it all set back up. Guess what, my BIL just called and he is coming into town tomorrow night and he could have done it for me!!! Go figure! Shana I'm not a fan of the grease under my fingernails!

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Originally posted by hmerrill

......Anyway I came home and did my gear box all by myself .....Shana I'm not a fan of the grease under my fingernails!

Awww what's a little grease? Do what I would do, have yourself that Calgon Take me Away bubble bath and that will remove any grease under the nails. And, the soak gets your diamond ring jewelry clean, too. I love taking a nice long soak in the bubbly jacuzzi tub. :)

PS: My goal is to retire at 55, too. That's 9 years away!!

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Hi Heidi!! You are so brave for doing that on your own! Mine needed it and my DH did it for me!! I haven't done anything but quilt...I leave the rest to DH. But, I suppose I should learn how to do that stuff..... scares the bejebies right out of me though!! I'm at work right now too. I have been gone for a week, but luckily, the work here at our office that I do isn't something that piles up. I just have to come home to the real world!:) Looking forward to getting home this afternoon and quilting!! :):):) Hope you get caught up soon! linda

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Glad to hear that you were able to get the machine greased. I know what it is like to have to wait to retire. I had the calendar numbered backwards to tell me how many more days I had to work. I was lucky I was able to retire at 55. Now I need to get moved and get everything set up so I can quilt when I want.

However, I got more done when I was working than I am getting done now. Go figure!!!!


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Linda - well hubby was an active duty Marine for 22 years and if I didn't learn to do things for myself it would never get done! Now he travels a lot and besides that he is slower than molasses and I'm not exactly the most patient person when it comes to things like that! LOL you'd think he could read my mind by now wouldn't you? We've only been married 28 years!:P:P:P:P:P:P It really is very easy to do. Hopefully it will all go back together tonight just as easy and when I fire her up she is purring!

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