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Brakes on rollers stripped

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The thread just stripped on the brake on my top roller.,

Of course I am in the middle of a quilt. I managed by swapping brakes. I have only had my machine about 9 months and am surprised that this has happened.

Has anyone else had this trouble. I don';t think I am doing them up over tight.

Not sure if the warranty coveres it, I have emailed for help so am waiting to hear.

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Hi ladies

I emailed Maree last night to confirm that the bolt will be replaced under warranty. She has one of the first Lennis. She swapped the bolt from the no. 2 roller to the backing roller as a temporary measure since she doesn't use that one and is able to keep on quilting.

sue in australia

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Thank you Dawn and Sue for your reply, As Sue said I have a Lenni, and when the thread stripped, little pieces of metal shaved off onto the panto shelf. My DH got it apart and changed the brakes over, but both the bolt on the brake and the bracket it screws into is damaged. I have been checking today, just how tight I am doing the brake up, but there is still some "bounce" in my fabric so I don't think I have been over tightening.

I hope the other brakes hold up until the replacement comes.

Thankyou for looking into it for me.

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