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Happy Longest Day

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Originally posted by sewlinzi

Gorgeous sky! Solstive Eve here was still and dry but cloudy - it's a long time since we have seen the Northern Lights here.

I lit the yurt stove last night and had drinks with friends with the door open because it was so mild...

Hi girls, don't be confused... this photo is a SUNSET (or...it could be a SUNRISE??) It could be either one on June 21 because the sunset and sunrise on Solstice happens literaly moments from each other..:cool: It is not the aurora. The aurora would be seen better when the sky was dark (like in the winter time) ...just thought I'd tell ya... ;)) :cool:

Anyway, yes it is a pretty picture. The photo looks like it could be taken from Anchorage looking northbound toward Mt. McKinley, also known as Denali (on the right) and Mt. Foraker (on the left) and the Cook Inlet waters in the foreground. Notice something interesting...the sun is setting (or rising) from the NORTH! Yes, it's true that's why we have these long days in summer because the earth is tilted and the northern tilt is toward the sun during this time of year. Our friends in Australia are having winter and their southern pole is facing furthest away from the sun so they have the darker days right now.

Laura J in Vacaville, thanks for the lovely poem. It reminds me of an Irish prayer.

Happy Summer Solstice!! :)

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