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misbehaving apqs machine

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My machine is driving me to distraction. When I finish a motif, the machine doesn't always stop, sometimes taking as many as 5 more slow stitches and I can't make it stop. I hesitate to change settings because it doesn't always do it. I may go 2 or 3 more motifs with no problem, then it will start taking a couple more stitches. I have bent 2 needles not expecting another stitch. By the way, screaming "Stop" does not work. Neither does slipping and saying a nasty word.

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Whaterver you do, don't slap it like Mary Beth did cuz that only hurts your hand...

Does this happen all the time or just start happening today? Did you shut er down and let er take a nap? Maybe she's just a little tired?

Seriously though.. maybe something with the encoder wheels need to be adjusted?

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Are you running with the SR on? I had problems awhile back where the machine would suddenly take stitches and misbehave. It turned out that the motor brushes needed to be replaced. If the motor brushed need to be cleaned you can have the same type of problems. If I remember correctly, it causes the SR to fire stitches when it shouldn't be.

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This started happening yesterday. Millie slept all night and started up doing the same thing. It is now happening more often, almost every time. I take a stitch to pull up the bobbing thread, then it may take as many a 6 more stitches without being prompted or it may just pull up the thread as it is supposed to. It sews fine until I stop, then it will take some more stitches (or not) depending on how it feels. I have not tweeked the #8 thingymabop yet because I'll have to take the IQ off, too, to get to it. I thought I'd wait till DH got home so I have more hands (and an engineer's mind)

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I had some similar problems to the point that even when my machine was all by herself (turned on of course), she might just take a stitch - scare the pants off of me. The #8 screw did not make any difference. In the end it was a circuit board -quick and easy replacement once the board arrives - just a thought....... good luck

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Originally posted by victoriasews

Ok, how weird is this? My machine just started working fine. No more extra stitches. I did nothing to it and now it's working. How do you explain that?

Static electricity?

Static buildup can do some weird stuff with electronics sometimes. I don't know.. maybe it's her time of the month?

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