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NQR--Down Syndrome DX--need your prayers

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I send my congratulations to you and your family too! I'm convinced you and yours were handpicked for this child. I don't have the experience of the others before me here, but know that I send my love and support. Yes, anytime you need a friend -- you know who to call on!

Have you got a quilt ready for this beautiful babe????

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My first thought when I read your post was CONGRATULATIONS and I was so pleased that this sentiment was echoed in all the other posts.

First and foremost your new grandchild is a new life capable of giving and receiving love just like anyone other. Granted there may well be bumps ahead but no-one's journey is completely free of these, the bumps are just different.

Thank you Tracey for putting things so eloquently, reminding us that 'normality' does not come with guarantees and that people cannot be packaged and summarised by professionals just because they have a named condition. People, both Downs or otherwise grow with their own personalities, characteristics and traits with friends and families who love and care for them.

I pray that you and your family will be able to look forward to the birth of this new baby.

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Your whole family will be AMAZED at the joy and wonder of this child! We have very close friends who have a DS daughter. She was not expected to live, had a hole in her heart, failure to thrive, etc, etc. She had open heart surgery at 7 weeks. She grew up with my son, and she is now 23 years old and has 2 part time jobs!! She is wise beyond her years. We always say she has more common sense than 90% of the people you meet on the street. I mean, she BEATS the guys at poker!! She is loving and shy, and caring and so funny!! We all just are thankful to have her in our lives!!

CONGRATULATIONS! It will be a wonderful journey!

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Just something to think about but 24 years ago my brother and his wife were expecting. She had a downs brother so they went for the tests at 8 weeks. After many painful tests the results came back positive for downs. They decided to continue and deliver the baby. The baby was born August 22 and he was a perfectly healthy baby. He turned out to be a fine Christian man! One never knows what God has in store.

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