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Guest Linda S

Oh, you live in such beautiful country! Socks is gorgeous. I do miss riding so very much. Just standing in a barn with my arms around a horse's neck is heaven for me. And yes, Dory, you a gorgeous too. We don't get tired of looking at your face.


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Okay, now, Linda & Linda...eye exam time is just around the corner!!:D

I agree...just kissing noses and scratching bellies reduces my stress level immensely. I was able to be home the last two winters and at least once a day, I'd hike down to the pasture (usually through feet of snow), just to give everyone a hug. There's nothing like the smell and feel of a pony!

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nice to see your lovely horse, I hope you get to ride alot on that beautiful property and don't work too hard putting up all that hay. Horse farming or any kind of farming may be fun and beautiful but it is also lots and lots of work. Loved the beautiful skies in those pictures.

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Originally posted by DoryJM

There's nothing like the smell and feel of a pony!

I agree! (big inhales and just imagining...) :cool:

Give Socks & the girls all hugs from me.

That's too funny! I think it's one of my favorite smells and I've been having Tehya put her nose to the horses shoulder/neck (what ever she can reach) and smell them. I know she thinks I'm crazy, but it's just one more on my list of crazy as far as my kids are concerned. LOL :P

Dory, I'm in south central Colorado. About 35 south and west of Colorado Springs and 35 miles west of Pueblo, near Canon City. I'd love to hear of anyone you've heard was good.

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Our pones get big hugs morning and night; and the girls get their favorite belly scratches.

Jeanne, we're lucky. We can saddle up and ride for miles from home; we border National Forest, so its a perfect place to live.

I've been known to approach mounted cops when I've been away from my horses for a few days, just to ask if I can have a sniff and kiss their noses...the horse, not the cop!

Tracye, I'll see what I can find out and let you know. My ex is moving to Colorado, not sure where though. He's in Vermont now with the new Mrs., but they're coming back out west and bringing their horses. Not that he's a trainer...hmmm, now I'm not sure why I even said that???

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