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This little quilt has picture. others in webshots.

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This is the back.

I must say, with this little yard by yard quilt I just did today, I've had more fun with than anything else in a long time. This evening I put the round one back on, only to find out I should have used Renaes Rays before I put it on the frame.. and really don't want to take it off now, so, will see what else I can figure out to do. I want to use a Topper board, and himself is being a nother word for a stinker... deliberately giving little jogs when he knows it's not wise.

Yes my "himself" does that thinking it funny.

Anyway that little thing, so cute before I touched it and just as cute now.. seems to have put some enthusiasm back in me for quilting. The Guild Quilt really knocked me sideways for a while.

Will post picts after it's dry. She made it for her hubby that arrived back home from Iraq yesterday, and didn't want a Quilt of Valor for him, so she is making it into "My Hero" quilt.

It would have been finished, had he not come in a couple days early.

I also tried the Miracle chalk with a short bristle stencil brush and oh my, how nice it works.

Used the chalk for the chalk pen in other areas.. just had fun.



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Many Big Thanks ladies.. yup it was fun, pretty and she should have it today.

I'm working on a QoV now, sort of bland I think, have a peek, if it will let me post the pict. Any ideas how to brighten it up ???

Sewn insto strips but not into one piece yet.



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