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NQR, Apollo 11 40 yr ago

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It gives me goosebumps. I was 11 years old. My mother had written a term paper about local Indian folklore and Elizabeth, an old Nez Perce lady down the road from us, had been a big help. Mom had baked her a pie to thank her and asked me to take it to her. I cut through the cow pasture so I didn't have to walk on the dusty gravel road and when I got there, Elizabeth invited me in for some lemon aide because it was so hot that day. She had the TV on with coverage of the moon landing.

Now here comes the goosebumpy part. . . . . .

As we watched the first man set foot on the moon, Elizabeth told me about the first time she saw white men come into their valley in covered wagons. Even at 11 years old I understood the magnitude of changes she had witnessed in her life time.

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I remember it very clearly. It happened on the day AFTER my birthday. I was so mad because 7/20 was the birthday of a very mean girl in school But this was a spectacular event nonetheless. Spawned a great record album as well...Pink Floyd...On the Dark Side of the Moon!! Brought that phrase into the forefront. Ah, to be 14 again...but I'd have to know then what I know now!!!

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WOW Holly!! I haven't gotten goosebumps reading forums before, but this really did it.

I saw the landing, and my grandmother commented on growing up in upper Minn. with only horses. I struggled with the idea of all the "new" things she had to learn and use. And yet, she was smarter about a lot of things than people far younger than she. It's good to remember , change is always there... Thank you for the clear view. Pat

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I'm not that old, but I remember the party lines and rotary telephones. And my neighbor used an outhouse, and when I spent the night with a friend, I slept in her top bunk and could see cracks and holes through the roof.

I didn't walk to school in three feet of snow, but in the late spring I did choose to walk home in half an hour instead of the two hour bus ride--it went the long way on the trip home.

I don't think I'll be able to keep up with the computer generation, facebook, twitter, and texting. I stick to the basics which is challenging enough. What happened to "typing" classes in school? Do they teach "thumb" typing now on mini-keyboards?

It's fun to reminisce and imagine the future. I don't want to know what's ahead; I just want to be able to live it free.

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Stephanie, Hey, Happy Birthday on the 19th from your "twin"! I was about to post how mad I was that I stayed up to watch the landing on my birthday, the day I would turn 17! And then it became July 20th, I was crushed!

But have a happy day, I know I will! :D

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