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Beth&Randall your the greatest!!!

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I was having some stitch issues this last week. I was working on a quilt for my bed so I finished it to get a custom quilt on. I called Beth Durrand to see if she could come fix my machine. I had called Amy and Jim at apqs and still was having problems. The stitches would be great and nice and straight then one would jog over a bit. I will be doing ruler work so that would not due. By yesterday afternoon my machine was running great. Many thanks to Beth and Randall. They have come to my rescue more that once and I think it is time to give them the credit they so deserve.



Washougal WA

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Randall adjusted the thread escapement finger. He adjusted my rubber wheel on my S/R. He adjusted my hopping foot and did a bit to the timing I think. I had two grandbabies so I was in and out of my studio. All small things that added up to the stitch quality being off. Beth you sure have a great husband. Love my DH but if he touched my machine it would be up on cinder blocks and curbside with a free sign on it. I have all my tools hidden.



Washougal Wa

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As soon as Randall gets a "real" job again, and we save up some money for plane tickets, I'll be ready to head over there. I'm from Clan McLeod you know.

Randall really is wonderful, of course it helps that he's got all this great background of high tech repairs, and his father was a contractor so he grew up fixing anything and everything. I'm SO lucky to have him!

Glad that things worked out for you Nora, and like I said Linzi, we'll be taking you up on that offer in the distant future!

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