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Okay, Kristina and Bonnie at my yurt which just may be going up this weekend!!!! I'm afraid to get excited, but I'm so excited!! Hey, I think Shannon better come too--after all, how long can you guys demonstrate knots?? We'll need more entertainment!:P

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I use the Doll needle too - LOVE that thing! It has a nice big eye and is long enough to be able to run those threads under another seam (or area) that I will be able to quilt over later and nail down those tails! (never under fabric colors that they would shadow though of course!!)

Sometimes if I have cut my tails to short... I thread the needle into the quilt first, then thread the eye and pull the tails. I do use the shorter self-threading ones now and then too.

I always do like Dawn C. taught me and how JoAnn H. said above......

Bring up your bobbin thread, make tiny stitches, Check and See if your threads have locked by tugging on each of them seperately..... sometimes one will be o.k. and one will not - depends if you are using 2 different kinds or even weights of threads. If one pulls along and gets longer - it is NOT locked. How do people think these threads will stay in the quilts after they are washed?

O.K. if it is a decortive Wall hanging perhaps, but not a kids cuddle quilt!!

Sorry I am going off on this a bit - just a pet-peeve of mine....

Good Luck - try a few different ways and you will find out what works best for you!!

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