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I arrived in Australia.......

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Hi Susan

Thanks for posting all the photos - I hope you did well in your exam. You did great feathers in class.


How did you get home so early and join the forum. Its good to see you here.

We all had another great day with Claudia.

Everyone would like to take her home with them so since that isn't possible, we have decided to have another dinner after class on Tuesday the 7th. We are not sure where yet but I'll email everyone separately to let you know. Hope you can all make it, Claudia would love to say good bye to you all.


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I ordered the thread for my wholecloth today but Vic Textiles are out of stock of that particular color and won't have it back in stock until some time next year. I got a couple of other colors that looked close but they are not close enough.

So I am going to place an order with Superior, did anyone else want that color and not want to place their own order?

Or is anyone else planning an order soon?

Has anyone thought about what they are going to use as backing?


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Well I must say we had another great, amazing, fabulous, wonderful day at Sue's with Claudia. Claudia you are an amazing teacher, you threw us in the deep end and taught us to swim, (so to speak). Thead painting, was in my wildest dreams, you have made my dream come true, I never thought I would be capable of doing what we did today. So sorry I had to leave early. Will miss your wounderful smile and laughter. Cheers, Dorothy, AKA Maureen

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Great pictures! It is so good to see the faces of our friends so far away that we talk to every day. You all look like you are having a great time, and I know you were. Claudia is a great teacher and so much fun. This make me anxious for MQS so I can see Claudia and all my quilting friends again.

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I´m having such a great time with you!:D Thank you all for coming and giving me the feeling of being at home !:D

And I´m already missing those who have finished their classes , though I´m looking forward to the next days days teaching and meet more of you!:cool:

Today Sue and I will spend a day ( it´s a day off!) in Melbourne, visiting a quiltshop ( or more?), listening to Sue´s husband who is singing in a choral and .....and...and.....!

The days are way tooooooooo short;)........


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