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Question #2: Using Two Batts

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I'm starting a quilt for a show and I'm using two batts. Cotton on the bottom; Dream Puff on top. The hopping foot is just skimming the top of the fabric with the top loaded. Should I raise it? If so, how much??

Never having raised/lowered it before, I'm a bit hesitant.

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I wouldn't raise it more than two business cards....Do you know how to...on your 2009 the needle bar adjustment screw is in a different location than your older machine...its in the front. If you have trouble let me know I will be home all evening.

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Hi Linda, from what I understand, using two batts give some great definition. Plus, I was told that for wall quilts, it really helps to have the weight for them to hang properly. There's some definite "poof" going on with this quilt. I have it loaded and have done almost all of the SID I plan to do. Still vascillating about raising the hopping foot.

Bonnie, thanks for telling me how; I didn't have a clue. I think I'm going to raise it one credit card's width. I'm getting just a bit of pucker on the back and hopefully, that will take care of that.

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Dory is right as to why to use a double batting. If you like a stiffer quilt like Warm & Natural or dream poly but you want quilting definition to really show then you need something like wool or puff. I just used Dream Poly Deluxe with wool on top. My quilt hangs very nicely and it is big, 88 x 90 or so. I sure didn't want to do all that work and not have it show! I wish I could show you what it looks like but have to wait until April 14th. I just had my co-worker take some fantastic pictures for me! That was a lot of work.

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