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Horizontal wheels on the Lenni- the IQ carriage

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I had posted about this in the computerized quilting section earlier but I started thinking about how this might interest people who may not check out that message board. So.... here's the news.

Take a look at the photos below and you'll see the special carriage made by Intelliquilter for the Lenni so the IQ can be installed on sweet little Lenni. It uses special EdgeRider wheels that run vertically on the table rails and horizontally on the machine axles. Can you imagine? Horizontal wheels for the Lenni! :)The result enhances the control and allows Lenni to just glide with ease over the rails! The wheels you see below on the IQ Lenni Carriage photo were developed specifically to get the Intelliquilter streamlined onto Lenni for those who'd like a computerized system. These special EdgeRider wheels can't be used without the carriage on the Lenni- they only fit the special IQ Lenni carriage.

From what I understand, regular EdgeRider wheels for the Lenni haven't hit the market just yet. Once they do, your Edgerider dealer will be the ones to talk to about that. I'm an IQ dealer so I only know about this specific IQ/Lenni setup. It was established as a complete carriage replacement unit specifically for the needs of the IQ/Lenni setup. (I hope that makes sense!)

Here's the best news, the carriage can be bought separately from the IQ! It is also incredibly simple to install. You can see where your existing stitch regulator rides on the carriage and the rails in the photos below. Do you see the black box on the left in the first photo? That is a motor for the IQ. If you don't have IQ, that black box won't be there.

The IQ Lenni Carriage is manufactured by the same company that makes EdgeRiders and Intelliquilter. Zoltan designed this carriage and he did a spectacular job! The pricing/delivery dates are still being finalized. It can also go on Ultimate I.

If you want more info give me a ring or drop me an email. (502) 718-7148. or KyTriplets (at sign) gmail (dot) com (Sorry about writing it that way- I'm sick of spam bots lifting my email address!) (Also, for full disclosure, I'm an Intelliquilter dealer as well as an APQS dealer.)


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This photo shows the IQ carriage on the rails right next to the Lenni. All you've got to do is take the wheels off the head and drop it down onto the new IQ carriage. The awesome Lenni Stitch Regulator encoder box goes with the head and you'll see in the photos below how it rides on the rails in the same way it always has.


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This shot is from the back of the machine to show you the Lenni Stitch Regulator from the back as it rides the rails. This is the encoder you normally can't see because it is tucked up under the regular Lenni carriage. The encoder box is held by that bracket you see and there is an additional wheel coasting along the sides of the rails to give even more stability to the Lenni Stitch Regulator encoder.


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Originally posted by IBQLTN2


That looks great, Is there any difference in the heighth that would cause the Circle Lord attachment to be any different? I would love to hear more about how it handles and how much extra control you thing it gives.

I'm checking on the Circle Lord height question with Zoltan for another gal too. I don't know a thing about the Circle Lord so I'm not much help there. Zoltan should be able to answer the question and once he comes up for air at MQX, I'll get back with you on the answer.

As for the handling, you know the reputation of EdgeRider wheels and this combines the glide and smooth handling of EdgeRiders with the horizontal configuration that cuts down on vibration and prevents sweet little Lenni from lifting up during "enthusiastic" quilting. :cool:

The whole thing feels, um... meatier. How's that for a descriptive word? Lenni is more rooted to the table while the special EdgeRiders coast along the frame.

And, hey, if you ever do get IQ on your Lenni- you've got the wheels and carriage all taken care of! ;)

I'll get back with you once I get an answer to your Circle Lord question but it might not be until after MQX dies down. (I wish I was there!)

I also want to stress that these wheels can only be used with this IQ/Lenni Conversion Carriage that was developed so people could get an IQ on their Lenni. I understand the regular Edgeriders for the Lenni haven't hit the market yet but when they do, your Edgerider dealer will be the one with all of that info. I'm an IQ dealer so all I'm aware of is this particular special carriage unit with the special IQ/Lenni wheels for the IQ/Lenni carriage.

Pricing and delivery dates are being determined. If you want to be alerted when that is finalized, send me an email. :)

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Jeanne, this set -up was designed for the IQ and Lenni. The special carriage with horizontal wheels was necessary to keep Lenni from tipping from the weight of the IQ.

I just got word that the standard wheels for Lenni are still in beta testing, they are on the third round now to perfect them. As with any new product, they don't want it out in the market place before it is ready. So, if you are not planning to go with an IQ, the standard wheels will be coming.

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thanks Patty for the info on the Lenni Edgerider wheels.

What has intrigued me the most is the horizontal setup.

Jut to explain why. A couple of weeks ago my DD visited for the evening and brought a friend with her.This friend was quite excited at seeing my Longarm, Anyway to cut a long story short, she tipped the back machine wheels of the carriage. I think I frightened her at my reaction.

From now on I think I will put a big DO NOT TOUCH sign on my Little Dove:D

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