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Searching for Fabric

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I thought I was so clever...I purchased all the fabric I needed to complete a sampler quilt. Well, now that I have the blocks together, the fabric for sashing just doesn't work.:(

So now I'm trying to find:

The Pennock Family Album Gingham (#30409) in either the blue, red or brown. Its a gingham with very tiny squares and looks almost solid from a distance. I have only been able to find it at distributors, but I really don't need 15 yards!

Any suggestions???

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www.missingfabrics.com - they have saved me more than once. Send an email with all pertinent info, maybe a picture, Trish will post it on the site (Tues & Fri) and you will receive email offers from those who have it. Thanks Trish!

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Dory, I'm sorry I don't have the fabric you need because I definitely "owe" this forum for fabric. Three people sent me fabric that I needed to complete a project, and I'll never forget it! With that in mind, I dutifully searched every page of the missingfabrics.com website hoping I could contribute there, but not today. Thanks to wnott for that link.

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