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another quilt show question-SID

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First, thanks for the info on the other post about show quilts. Linda, your info on batting was VERY helpful. Here is my question:when doing SID, would the best thing be to use thread to match OR use invisible thread? In the past, I have used thread to match, as best I could. I read that some people use the inivisible thread...do judges have a preference? Marion

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Hi Marion, I am not Linda but I did get one big light bulb "a Ha!" moment when I was at MQS and talked with a judge later on that week. I think bottom line, regardless of "what" you use... it is the "how" (or the end result) that is important. You can do (or use) whatever you want; the sky is your limit with creating, choices, colors, designs, threads, etc. etc. etc....... the end result is what they are looking at. If it is well done (or done well), it doesn't matter what you use. There are no quilt police! :cool:

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In other words as what came back on some of my quilt reviews, SID should stay in the ditch LOL it will be less noticeable with mono thread if it is not in the ditch but ultimately will still show if they look close enough. I believe it just takes lots of practice and experience to do a perfect job of it, and I am certainly not there yet hence my comments. Oh, well that is how we all learn.

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From my show quilts I gather they are more concerned that the thread compliments the project more than anything else. I haven't gotten any negative commments on thread choice so I can't go by much other than rating I get for thread choice. in thinking about it from looking at all the quilts that win I'd say most of the time the thread matches the fabric or has a good contrast.

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I have talked with a few quilt appraisers at various shows and they inform me that invisible thread is just fine as long as its done well! I set the tension as low as I can use the first hole in the thread guide and use a thread to match the backing theme as some of my clients like to have a "reversible" quilt. Invisible is also fine in the bobbin if that's what the quilt warrants. I do find that using one of those textured sewing gloves to aid in holding the fabric taught while I S.I.D has been very helpful. You can kind of stretch open the seam and get it where it counts. Jane says its my Micheal Jackson look. LOL Have a great day---Dave B.

And always being the salesman that I am, using the front mount laser bracket really helps too! Not only to keep in the ditch, but to help light up similar colored fabrics- see it on our web-site!

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