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Linda Rech, I dreamed about you last night. I dreamed you were the "Ultimate" go-two quilter. I dreamed if anyone had a question about ANYTHING quilty you had the right answer. You didn't even quilt for pay, just for show and you were just paid to answered all the quity questions! Now you know about dreams.....sometimes they do come true!!!!!:D;);)

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You ain't dreamin' girl... it is all true -- everything you said about Linda! :) She is the "go to" girl; always has the sage advice.

And, I got to meet her IRL a year ago -- last May at her home; and she showed me her quilt studio, and I got to meet "The Amazing Dennis" and I got to see her pretty garden, her yard filled with fruit and nut trees, and the pond with the two cranes: Frasier and Miles.

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Sylvia and Shana! Stop-- I am laughing so hard! Guess I have you all fooled!!

Sharing is so easy here, and when I make a mistake or solve a problem, I am happy to pass the info along. You are the best!!:cool:

I was so thrilled to meet Shana on her way home from MQS last year. I got to see her gorgeous Arctic Sky quilt--wow!

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Linda is absolutely the bestest!! When we were just young Moxies she came all the way down from Olympia to teach all of us newbies who were scared to death of our machines; she freely shares her knowledge and her talent and she is a bunch of fun on top of it all. and her house and studio and yard are really awesome!!!

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This is PattyJo again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:)

Well, Linda my dear, I don't dream about you, but everything that has been said above is true. You give your time and talent to all of us at the Moxie meetings all the time, and I'm glad that I can call you friend. You'z amazing......:D:D:D

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