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NQR - Officials close Louisiana Island

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BP is being held responsible for the cleanup. It is unclear why this accident happened, but profit seems to have played a part in ignoring safety precautions. The US government does not have equipment or trained personnel to handle the oil leak. Just because a few people get on TV and rant about building sand bars off shore does not mean that it will work. With limited resources (remember, nobody wants to pay any taxes) one must carefully consider all options when deciding on a plan because once the money's gone, that's all there is. And have we forgotten "heck of a job Brownie" who handled FEMA during Katrina? He makes Napolitano look like Einstein.

When it is you in the path of disaster, no response is fast enough or big enough. Let's bear in mind that there is plenty of blame to go around and that nobody in government, regardless of party, wants this to continue any longer than we do. Finger pointing and name calling isn't going to help.

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