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Quilt artist/maker recognition

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I've never stayed for the IMQA auction and am just curious about how the makers of the auction items are acknowledged. I know there are some folks here that have attended so can you tell me, do they announce who made the quilt, publish the information, or post the maker in a display with the quilt?

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Seriously folks, I want to know if you've ever had an item in a silent auction and if any recognition was given????????? My guild is acting like it is a big secret who made what and (excuse my french) I put a lot of -*@$^& time and money into my item and would like some recognition. Do you think I'm being selfish? Go ahead let me have it!

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You are absolutely NOT being selfish for wanting to be acknowledged for your charitable contribution! If it was a group effort, the entire group should be named, not just the "Busy Bees" sewing group. And absolutely! your name as maker of the item must be on the label. What's up with your group? Are they trying to spare the feelings of other contributors? Doesn't make sense to me.

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I attended the auction at MQS for the first time this year. It was too much fun but that is for another post ;)

Anyway, the quilter was indeed given credit. In most cases a backstory was given about the quilt and the quilter. One of the stories had most of the crowd laughing in tears......

The quilts were walked around the room while the information about the quilter, the quilt's inspiration and the quilts' specific details were given by the auctioneer. In fact, in some cases the quilter had a huge impact on the price of the bidding.


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